Overview of Utility-Specific NWA Opportunities
The Joint Utilities are working together and with stakeholders to increase availability and transparency of information to support and advance the goals of New York’s REV initiative. The listing below presents a link to each utility’s current webpage listing their Non-Wires Alternatives (NWA) and provides the latest details about their NWA opportunities and related solicitations. The REV Connect portal also hosts similar information as well as information describing other REV opportunities, demonstration projects and developer proposals.

Central Hudson is actively pursuing distributed energy resource (DER) alternatives to traditional utility projects, known as “Non-Wires Alternatives.” Through Non-Wires Alternatives, Central Hudson can defer or eliminate the need for transmission & distribution infrastructure upgrades, meeting the dynamic needs of the electric system while reducing future rate pressure.
More information regarding Central Hudson’s suitability criteria, NWA opportunities, and the planning and procurement processes is available through Central Hudson’s Non-Wires Alternative Opportunities webpage.

Non-wires alternatives have the potential to reduce customers’ electric bills, improve reliability, and defer capital infrastructure. Con Edison has identified several opportunities to create such change.
Please visit Con Edison’s Non-Wires Alternatives webpage to learn more about their current NWA opportunities.

National Grid USA is a regulated public utility that provides electric and gas service to over 3 million customers in New York. Since as early as 2006, the Company has been working to reduce energy usage and defer transmission and distribution system upgrades through non-wires alternatives (including demand response, energy efficiency, and renewable energy).
If you are interested in providing proposals for these projects, please visit National Grid’s System Data portal. Here you will find the latest detailed information regarding potential NWA opportunities.

NYSEG and RG&E are committed to considering Non-Wires Alternatives (NWA) solutions to electric capital investments where there are appropriate and cost-effective; supporting principles from the New York Public Service Commission’s Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) regulatory framework. NWA provide the opportunity to improve reliability, explore alternative infrastructure solutions and contribute to New York’s energy vision. To determine upcoming distribution and transmission projects suitable for these solutions, several factors are considered. Traditional electric system construction projects that meet a need for decreased demand and/or increased reliability, with a minimum of 36 months until time of need and construction costs greater than $1,000,000 are reviewed as potential NWA projects. Projects are evaluated and ordered according to time of need. Requests for proposals are then scheduled and reviewed to determine cost-effectiveness and technical viability.
View descriptions and the status of current and upcoming projects for NYSEG here.
View descriptions and the status of current and upcoming projects for RG&E here.

Non-wires alternatives have the potential to reduce customers’ electric bills, improve reliability, and defer capital infrastructure. O&R has identified several opportunities to create such change.
O&R’s current NWA opportunities can be found on their Identified Non-Wires Alternatives Opportunities webpage as well as on their hosting capacity map.