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Highlighted Utility Orders and Filings

Check out the resources below to learn more about important regulatory actions and CLCPA engagement in New York State.



Regulatory Order/Utility Filing

Impacted Joint Utilities Members


Order Approving Midpoint Review Whitepaper's Recommendations with Modifications

November 16, 2023



The NY Public Service Commission issued an Order dictating changes to the EV Make-Ready Program for the second half of the program term. The program budget was increased by $542M to a total of $1.243B, with 35% allocated to benefit Disadvantaged Communities. For related plans and utility filings, please see NYDPS case number 18-E-0138.

Data Access Framework (DAF) Order

April 15, 2021



The NY Public Service Commission issued an Order adopting a Data Access Framework (DAF) that aims to standardize the necessary privacy, cybersecurity, and quality requirements for users to access specific energy data.

Integrated Energy Data Resource (IEDR) Order

February 11, 2021



The NY Public Service Commission issued an Order approving the design and implementation of a statewide Integrated Energy Data Resource (IEDR) platform to support New York’s clean energy goals by enabling useful access to data. Phase 1 will enable the development of at least five priority data use cases over 24-30 months, while Phase 2 will enable 40+ additional data use cases over 30-36 months.

Order Establishing Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Make-Ready Program and Other Programs

July 16, 2020



The NY Public Service Commission issued an Order supporting CLCPA goals as well as New York State’s zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) goal of deploying 850,000 electric vehicles across the state by 2025. The total budget for the program is $701 million, $206 million of which must directly benefit low- to moderate-income and disadvantaged communities. For related plans and utility filings, please see NYDPS case number 18-E-0138.

Order on Transmission Planning Pursuant to the Accelerated Renewable Energy Growth and Community Benefit Act

May 14, 2020



The NY Public Service Commission issued an Order requiring the utilities to submit a report meeting detailing 1) immediately actionable transmission and distribution projects that satisfy reliability, safety, and compliance, but can also address constraints that may limit renewable energy deployment in the state; and 2) projects that may increase capacity on local transmission and distribution systems, allowing for further deployment of renewable energy.

Order Establishing Framework for Direct Current Fast Charging Infrastructure Program

February 7, 2019 (revised March 19, 2020)



The NY Public Service Commission issued an Order establishing the DCFC Per-Plug Incentive Program (DCDC PPI), which provides an annual declining per-plug incentive to qualifying public DCFC operators. The purpose of the incentive is to support DCFC while utilization is relatively low by offsetting electric delivery cost. The NYPSC issued an Order clarifying and modifying the program on March 19, 2020.


Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) Engagement 

New York's utilities are committed to helping make the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) successful. Creating New York's sustainable, clean energy future requires prioritizing reliability, identifying low-cost decarbonization strategies, and investing in new technologies. Read the utilities' perspective on the State's CLCPA Climate Action Council Scoping Plan and related documents below:

Comments on Draft Scoping Plan (12/03/21)

Executive summary of utility feedback to Advisory Panels

Complete Joint Utility Comments to Climate Action Council Advisory Panels: 

These 3rd party and JU reports describe potential clean energy pathways and strategies: 

Publication Title

Author Organization

Release Date

Power Trends 2021, New York’s Clean Energy Grid of the Future


May 2021

Pathways to Carbon-Neutral NYC

NYC Mayor's Office, Con Edison, National Grid

April 2021

Investing in the U.S. Natural Gas Pipeline System to Support Net-Zero Target

Columbia University Center on Global Energy Policy

April 2021

Initial Report on the New York Power Grid Study

New York State Department of Public Service

January 2021

Net-Zero America; Potential Pathways, Infrastructure and Impacts

Princeton University 

December 2020

Pathways to Deep Decarbonization in New York State

Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc.

June 2020

Meeting the Challenge: Scenarios for Decarbonizing New York’s Economy

Guidehouse Consultants

February 2021

Low-Carbon Resources Initiative Enabling the Pathway to Economy-wide Decarbonization

Electric Power Research Institute

March 2021