Updates on Hosting Capacity in New York
Hosting capacity is an estimate of the amount of DER that may be accommodated without adversely impacting power quality or reliability under current configurations and without requiring infrastructure upgrades. Each of the Joint Utilities (JU) currently shares a PV Hosting Capacity Map and a Storage Hosting Capacity (HC) Map. The JU continue to progress the overall HC roadmap shown below. For additional guidance related to hosting capacity analysis criteria and assumptions, click HERE.
Stage 4.1
Stage 4.1 of the HC roadmap is ongoing. In addition to data fields/functionality previously published as part of earlier stages of the HC roadmap, the JU updated the HC Maps in April 2023 as part of stage 4.1 to provide the following.
- Sub Feeder Level for Storage HC Map
- Nodal Constraints (Criteria Violations on PV and Storage Maps)
- Cost Share 2.0 Items on PV and Storage Maps
- DG Connected Since Last HCA Refresh
The JU is also providing the following information.
- Six-month update for circuits that increase in DG > 500kW on PV and Storage Maps
- Links and/or instructions to access 8760 data
- Storage HC data made available via the API
Stage 3.5
As part of stage 3.5 of the Roadmap, the JU published and initial iteration of the Storage HC Maps in spring 2022. At this time, the Storage HC Map showed feeder-level hosting capacity (min/max), additional system data, downloadable feeder-level summary data, sub-transmission lines available for interconnection, and reflects existing DER in circuit load curves and allocations. The storage HC Maps have separate displays for load and generation and are color-coded based on the minimum level of the maximum HC calculated for the feeder. The minimum level of the minimum HC calculated appears on the draw-down pop-up, along with the following information.
- Date
- Local Hosting Capacity (MW)
- Substation/Bank Name
- Feeder
- Substation/Bank Rating (MW)
- Feeder Voltage (kV)
The Joint Utilities held a stakeholder session to discuss stage the HC roadmap on May 23, 2024; Click HERE to view the slide deck. During the session, the Joint Utilities provided an overview of the current capabilities of the Battery Storage HC Maps, shared plans for the future of the HC Maps, and welcomed stakeholder feedback! Thank you for continuing to engage and collaborate with us.
Stage 3
The Joint Utilities, with guidance from stakeholders in the 2016 engagement group discussions, have developed a four staged Hosting Capacity implementation roadmap. The most recent release, Stage 3, of the Hosting Capacity displays now includes sub-feeder level analysis of large-scale solar PV systems interconnecting to distribution circuits. Each circuit’s hosting capacity is determined by evaluating the potential for power system criteria violations as a result of large PV solar systems interconnecting to three phase distribution lines with an AC nameplate rating greater than or equal to 300 kW interconnecting to three phase distribution lines. More information on the analysis criteria, assumptions, FAQs and relevant background can be found in this presentation.
The Joint Utilities have provided the following user demo as an additional reference to help guide users through the Stage 3 hosting capacity displays.
Previous JU Hosting Capacity Stakeholder Sessions
May 2024 - For the presentation slides, please click here.
November 2022 - For the presentation slides, please click here.
May 2022 - For the presentation slides, please click here.
November 2021 - For the presentation slides, please click here.
August 2021 - For the presentation slides and a summary of the stakeholder feedback, please click here.
May 2021 - For the presentation slides and a summary of the stakeholder feedback, please click here.
November 2020 - For the presentation slides and a summary of the stakeholder feedback, please click here.
June 2020 – For the presentation slides and a summary of the stakeholder feedback, please click here.
May 2020 – For the presentation slides and a summary of the stakeholder feedback, please click here.
December 2019 – For the presentation slides and a summary of the stakeholder feedback, please click here.
October 2019 – For the presentation slides and a summary of the stakeholder discussion, please click here.
September 2019 – For the presentation slides, please click here.
Let's Connect!
For additional information, please email info@jointutilitiesofny.org, or reach out to the contacts below.
Central Hudson: Distributed Generation Group, dg@cenhud.com, 845-486-5215
Con Edison: dgexpert@coned.com
National Grid: IMAP@nationalgrid.com, use subject line - NY System Data Portal
NYSEG RG&E: distributedgenerationadmin@avangrid.com
Orange and Rockland: ORHostingCapacityMap@ORU.com

Hosting Capacity for Central Hudson can be found through their Distributed System Platform web portal.

Hosting Capacity for Con Edison can be found through their Distributed System Platform web portal.

National Grid’s hosting capacity displays can be found on their System Data Portal under the ‘Hosting Capacity’ tab. The stage 3 Hosting Capacity maps supersede the previously displayed Red Zone Maps.

NYSEG and RG&E’s distribution indicator maps for hosting capacity displays can be found HERE.

Hosting Capacity for O&R can be found on interactive maps that can be accessed through their web portal by signing into an O&R account or ARCGIS account.