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Each of the Joint Utilities administers a Residential Managed Charging program providing drivers with incentives to charge their vehicle during off-peak hours. More information and program applications can be found at your utility's website, linked in the table below.




Central Hudson

EV ChargeSmart Program

Con Edison

SmartCharge New York

National Grid

Charge Smart NY



Orange & Rockland

SmartCharge New York




Off-Peak Charging

The utility Residential Managed Charging programs offer incentives for off-peak EV charging, which means that by participating, customers are helping to reduce strain on the grid and are taking advantage of lower-cost energy. Refer to your utility's program materials for details, since off-peak hours may differ by utility. Optimize your charging and maximize your incentives by setting charging schedules to help you shift your charging to off-peak hours. 


Compatible Equipment

To participate in your utility's Residential Managed Charging program, you will need a compatible EV or EV charger. Each utility program has different requirements for compatible equipment; visit your utility's website to see if your EV or EV charger complies with their program.


Installation Resources

If you are interested in installing an EV charger at home, you can use the Joint Utilities' Contractor List to find an electrical contractor to complete the installation of your new equipment.* Note that the Contractor List is a resource, not a requirement for utility customers installing home EV chargers. Many electricians and electrical contractors perform individual EV installations at single-unit homes, and customers may work with any electrician to complete the installation of their EV charger.

To find a contractor using the Contractor List, use the checkboxes to select your utility and filter for Residential Contractors. 

*For more options for contractors, you can visit home improvement directory site like HomeAdvisor and Porch. Both of these websites also include tips and best practices for finding and working with electricians.