Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement
The ATWG is committed to working with other organizations and stakeholders to advance program goals. We encourage technology vendors, research entities, and other interested parties to share specific proposals for coordination through this ATWG Input Form.
The ATWG held its first technical conference on April 27, 2023, and its second technical conference on May 2, 2024, at the Department of Public Service in Albany, NY. Representatives from the ATWG and its Task Forces presented information on current work and future plans. The ATWG plans to hold future sessions to facilitate collaboration with industry stakeholders and interested parties.
We are happy to share information or discuss your ideas. Please feel free to contact us by email at for general inquiries and feedback.
Our Mission and Background
The goal of the Advanced Technology Working Group (ATWG) is to establish a sustainable working group and R&D program to help ensure that the electric transmission and distribution systems in New York can support the achievement of Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLPCA) goals.
The ATWG aims to identify, discuss, and resolve technical barriers and challenges associated with developing and deploying advanced technologies on the New York electric transmission and distribution (T&D) systems. ATWG’s goal is to ensure that the necessary policies, procedures, and standards exist to address technical, process, regulatory, and economic concerns related to modern and innovative technologies.
On January 20, 2022, the New York Public Service Commission issued its Order on Power Grid Study Recommendations, directing the Joint Utilities and Commission Staff to establish a group tasked with addressing “the challenge of identifying and removing barriers to the deployment of new technologies.” The Advanced Technology Working Group (ATWG) has come together to serve as the working group directed in that Order.
Our Work
The ATWG includes representatives from the New York Department of Public Service, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), New York investor-owned utilities, power authorities, and the New York Independent Service Operator (NYISO). The ATWG holds regular meetings to discuss issues related to technology innovation and the deployment of technologies that can support CLCPA goals. The ATWG works with organizations involved in the New York Coordinated Grid Planning Process (CGPP) to help evaluate advanced technology-based solutions in power grid planning.
The ATWG oversees and coordinates the activities of six program areas that are focused on advancing high priority technologies. These are:
- Energy Storage, focused on increasing the deployment of energy storage in electric transmission and distribution applications. This program area is facilitated by the Energy Storage Subcommittee (ESSC).
- Dynamic Line Ratings (DLR), focused on applying DLR technologies to increase the capability of existing transmission and distribution lines to deliver more energy from renewable energy resources to customers.
- Power Flow Control (PFC), focused on PFC technologies to ensure the reliability and efficiency of electric transmission and distribution systems as net-zero resources increase.
- Advanced Conductors and Lines, focused on advanced conductors and related transmission infrastructure that can provide increased capacity in new and existing rights-of-way.
- Grid Monitoring and Management, focused on technologies that monitor and manage grid conditions such as voltage and inertia to ensure overall grid stability.
- DER Management, focused on technologies that monitor, aggregate, or control distributed energy resources (DER) on the grid edge.
The ATWG is exploring other technologies that will support ongoing power grid reliability and goals of the NY CLCPA.
Reports, Presentations, and Regulatory Background
Energy Storage Subcommittee (ESSC) Charter, November 22, 2024
This document outlines the charter for the Energy Storage Subcommittee, which evolved from the Energy Storage Task Force (ESTF). It details the subcommittee's purpose, responsibilities, membership structure, and reporting framework.
Fall Planning Workshop Notes, October 23, 2024
This document provides a list of attendees to the Fall Planning Workshop, along with a summary of key takeaways and action items for ATWG members.
Advanced Technology Concept Paper Abstracts, September 20, 2024
This document provides abstracts of the concept paper submissions received through the Call for Advanced Technology Concept Papers.
Advanced Technology Concept Paper Abstracts, September 20, 2024
This document provides abstracts of the concept paper submissions received through the Call for Advanced Technology Concept Papers.
Summer 2024 Stakeholder Webinar Presentation, August 28, 2024
This webinar presentation was delivered by the ATWG to provide stakeholders with an overview of the Initial Assessment of Advanced Technology Concept Papers.
Initial Assessment of Advanced Technology Concept Papers, July 1, 2024
This report presents the ATWG’s initial assessment of the submissions received through the call for advanced technology concept papers.
Spring 2024 Technical Conference Presentation, May 2, 2024
This presentation was delivered by the ATWG to engage with stakeholders at the NY DPS Staff Office in Albany, NY.
Call for Advanced Technology Concept Papers, Proposals Due April 26, 2024
This document contains the guidelines and a template for concept paper submissions. These were shared with the stakeholder community during an open call for stakeholders to submit advanced technology concept papers, as directed in the Commission’s order from January 19, 2024.
Research and Development Plan for Advanced Transmission and Distribution Technologies, Revised March 21, 2024
This report presents the ATWG’s mission, governance, R&D approach, and near-term plans. It provides background information on the high-priority technology areas that are the focus of our Task Forces. The revised plan includes information to meet the requirements of the Commission’s order from January 19, 2024.
New York Department of Public Service, Order Establishing Procedures for the Advanced Technologies Working Group, January 19, 2024
This Order was issued by the NY PSC in Case 20-E-0197, and approves the Research and Development Plan and the associated Progress Report filed by the ATWG on July 2022 and January 2023, respectively. The Order also provides the basis for the ATWG to broaden the range of technologies under review in a time frame that would inform the solutions available to utility planners engaged with the CGPP.
Spring 2023 Technical Conference Presentation, April 27, 2023
This presentation was delivered by the ATWG to engage with stakeholders at the NY DPS Staff Office in Albany, NY.
Progress Report, January 20, 2023
This report summarizes ATWG activities and milestones from 2022 and presents a program plan for 2023.
Research and Development Plan for Advanced Transmission and Distribution Technologies, July 20, 2022
This report presents the ATWG’s mission, governance, R&D approach, and near-term plans. It provides background information on the high-priority technology areas that are the focus of our Task Forces.
Utility Transmission and Distribution Investment Working Group Report, November 2, 2020
This report details the objectives of the ATWG in the context of transmission and distribution efforts related to the May 2020 DPS Order on Transmission Planning Pursuant to the Accelerated Renewable Energy Growth and Community Benefits Act.
New York State Utility Transmission and Distribution Investment Working Group - Advanced Technologies Working Group Report, October 29, 2020
This report outlines the initial objectives and scope of work for the ATWG, including potential technology solutions and synopses of pertinent government funded projects and Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) programs.
New York Department of Public Service, Order on Transmission Planning Pursuant to the Accelerated Renewable Energy Growth and Community Benefit Act, May 14, 2020
This Order was issued by the NY PSC in Case 20-E-0197, Proceeding on Motion of the Commission to Implement Transmission Planning Pursuant to the Accelerated Renewable Energy Growth and Community Benefit Act (Transmission Planning Proceeding) and provides the basis for exploration of advanced transmission technologies as a means to achieve environmental policy objectives and related requirements.